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MicroCode Studio Plus 5.0 may be installed on up to
3 computers.
This MicroCode product key will enable installations and free updates for 1-year.
Once installed, MicroCode will continue to function perpetually.
PICBASIC PRO Compiler includes a fully functional version of
MicroCode Studio that supports normal compilation and programming. MicroCode
Studio Plus offers some very useful advanced features, in addition to
those found in the standard environment.
- ICD Model Creator allows creation of ICD model files for new
- Single commercial and
educational license
- Online updates
- MicroCode Loader software
MicroCode Studio Plus is a powerful, visual Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) with In Circuit Debugging (ICD) capability
designed specifically for PICBASIC
PRO™ Compiler. |
The main editor provides full syntax highlighting of your code with context
sensitive keyword help and syntax hints. The code explorer allows you to
automatically jump to include files, defines, constants, variables, aliases and
modifiers, symbols and labels, that are contained within your source code. Full
cut, copy, paste and undo is provided, together with search and replace

large screenshots
- Full syntax highlighting of your source code
- Quickly jump to include files, symbols, defines, variables and
labels using the code explorer window
- Identify and correct compilation and assembler errors
- View serial output from your microcontroller
- Keyword based context sensitive help
- Support for MPASM
It's easy to set up your compiler, assembler and programmer options or you
can let MicroCode Studio do it for you with its built in autosearch feature.
Compilation and assembler errors can easily be identified and corrected using
the error results window. Just click on a compilation error and MicroCode Studio
will automatically take you to the error line. MicroCode Studio even comes with
a serial communications window, allowing you to debug and view serial output
from your microcontroller.
Each line of source code is animated in the main editor window, showing you
which program line is currently being executed by the host microcontroller. You
can even toggle multiple breakpoints and step through your PICBASIC PRO™ code
line by line.

Using the MicroCode Studio ICD can really help accelerate program
development. It's also a lot of fun and a great tool for learning more about
programming PIC microcontrollers. |
MicroCode Studio Plus now includes a free bootloader application. MicroCode
Loader enables you to program most of the PIC 16F87x(A) and 18Fxxx(x) series of
microcontrollers without the need of a hardware programmer. More
information can be found on the Mecanique
The PIC 16F87x(A), 16F8x and 18Fxxx(x) series of
microcontrollers have the ability to write to their own program memory.
A small piece of software (a bootloader) resides on the target
microcontroller, which allows user code and EEPROM data to be
transmitted over a serial cable and written to the device. A
hardware programmer is required to prepare the PICmicro for bootloader
