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Products > PBP3 Upgrades
PBP3 Upgrades

Please note that upgrades are no longer available through distributors. All upgrades are available with choice of download only or shipped with manual and CD. Printed manuals and CDs may be aquired from your local distributor, though stock may be limited for a time. All downloads include a pdf manual.

Upgrade Pricing:

Upgrade Description Price
Upgrade PBP 3.0 to PBP 3.1 (Silver or Gold Editions) $50.00
Upgrade PBP 3.x Silver Edition to current version of PBP Gold Edition $150.00
Upgrade PICBASIC PRO 2.60C or earlier to current version (3.x) of PBP Gold Edition $100.00
Upgrade PICBASIC Compiler (PBC) to current version (3.x) of PBP Silver Edition $75.00
Upgrade PICBASIC Compiler (PBC) to current version (3.x) of PBP Gold Edition $225.00
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Purchase Options: (click on product links below for details)

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